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The new consumer article for today is Asking Price Versus Sales Price, a short discussion of what they are and the relationship between them. Many agents have forgotten this stuff, but it really is very basic stuff everyone should keep in mind.
Newly Written Articles
Mortgage Accelerators, Money Merge, and Paying Your Mortgage Down Discusses how there is no magical "free money" in any kind of mortgage accelerator.
Wells and Community Water Systems goes over the minimum basics on wells and community water.
Listings Not Sourced on MLS talks about why listings that aren't sourced from the local MLS are not to be trusted.
Updated Articles
The Escrow Process and Reasons for Falling Out discusses why escrow falls out. Note: It usually has nothing to do with any failing of the escrow officer or escrow company, who all too often get used as scapegoats so the people who really screwed it up can pretend it wasn't their fault.
Mortgage Markets and Providers and Yield Spread Explained discusses the different places to get a loan, and What It All Means in practical terms.
How to Effectively Shop for a Buyer's Agent talks about just that - how to find a buyer's agent who will actually make a difference on your transaction.
How Are You Going To Compare Loans Without Specific Numbers? reminds you how to look at those numbers to tell which loan is better.
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The Man From Empire
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Rediscovery 4 novel set
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The Invention of Motherhood
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